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3 comentarios:

kribol dijo...

jajaja tremendass mi favoritas son la de los corredores y la de la pistola xD


Microjetas dijo...

Buenas!! Te invito a formar parte de la nueva iniciativa para aumentar la popularidad de los blogs menos conocidos. Ha nacido GoMeMe 9.0 !!!!

Pásate por mi blog si quieres pertenecer al nuevo GoMeMe.

Un saludo desde Microjetas.

Anónimo dijo...

Unexpected issues in Bitcoin transaction in Binance
Do you want to erase the unexpected issues occurs in Bitcoin transaction in Binance? Clutch them out of the box solutions and remedies from the tandem of professionals who are always there to help you at every move. Dial Binance support number which is the easiest way to carry your worries to the professionals who are certified and have skill in solving the problems in the least possible time.

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